Marias's portfolio 3
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Haloween film: Sleepy hollow
horseman:A person who is skilled in riding a horse.
Decapitated:to cut off the head of; behead: Many people were decapitated.
Characters description
Ichabod crane:Is a detective who go to a town to know what happened with a hollow.
Katrina Van Tassel:Ichabod's love interest and only heir to one of the neighborhood's richest farmers.
Lady Van Tassel:Wife of Baltus and mother of Katrina.
Young Masbath:An orphan who looks towards Ichabod as a father figure after his own father is murdered by the Horseman.
Sir Baltus Van Tassel:Katrina's father. After Peter Van Garret is murdered, he is placed as the leader of the city.
Lady Crane:Ichabod's mother (in flashbacks) who was involved in witchcraft and later painfully murdered by his strict religious father.
Lord Crane who was a devoutly religious man who tortured and killed his wife after he found her practising witchcraft.
Description of the movie
The movie is about one town from America, When the people are afraid about one horseman with no head. who kill the people of the town. And Ichabond Crane: a detective who knows who do the murders.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Halloween is an american party to honor the dead. Now this party is celebrated around the world. The word Halloween is a mix of All Hallows’ Evening.
When and where is it celebrated?
Halloween party now is celebrated arond the world but some years ago. This party is only celebrated in america.
Is it a religious celebration?
Yes because the Christian influences the party.
What does the word 'Halloween' mean?
It's a mix of All Hallows Evening.
Name 2 typical games.
Tell horror stories
When did it become a dangerous celebration?Why?
When the people do bad tricks, like burn a house or trow fireworks into a house...
How do people celebrate it today?
because the people loves scary movies, and horror stories.
the film we're watching is Sleepy hollow

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Jordi: No, I stayed in and watched TV.
Albert: me too.
Pau: Oh? What was on?
Albert: That new sitcom in TV3.
Jordi: I saw the same like Albert!
Pau: Oh, yes? Was it any good?
Jordi: Yes, it was fantastic. There was an amazing actress on it. Didn't you see it?
Albert: I love this actress!
Pau: No, I missed it. I was chatting on the computer.
Jordi: You should try to watch in next time. It's really good.
Albert: Yes, it was incredibly funny!
Pau: OK then, I will.
writing My best friend
Adam and i are friends. Adam lives in the same city in Banyoles. He lives in and interesting big house. We go to the same school and we play a lot.
Adam is fourteen years old. He's quite short and he's got short fair hair. The good thing about him is that he's funny and friendly, although ha can also be boring sometimes, and sometimes he isn't very practical.
Adam is happiest when he's chatting annd joking with friends. He likes going out and meeting other people. There is a big sports centre in city and we often go there. He also likes playing tennis and ping-pong.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
oral presentation
Hello everyone and welcome to my oral presentation. Today im going to explain my summer holidays After the school finishes i was in Banyoles two weeks meeting with friends. watching tv and playing computer games every day.
One day i went to barcelona with my friends because it was the gamelab expo and here we played some new videogames. After that i was another week in Banyoles and then i went to aiguafreda to stay with my grandfathers my uncles and my cousins. I was in Aiguafreda one week and then i return to Banyoles. One week after my sister became ill and she stay three days in the hospital. Five days after i go with my family to Mallorca and i spent one week in Mallorca, going to the beach every day and visiting things of Mallorca...
Finally i was in Banyoles to prepare for school.
Thank you
Observation of my oral presentation
my second oral presentation it's good with no grammar errors but it's a bit boring. I think i do good but i can do better.
Presentations of the class
- Carla: She went to Dover to learn and practice english. She went to Marrakesh with Julia, Sant Sebastià and she stayed in Banyoles too.
- Pau: He went to England and to Portaventutra.
- Ivet: She went to Kenia and Zanzibar in Africa, and Poole to like more people from the class to practice english.
- Cristina Comalat: She went to Singapor and Bali. She went to Poole.
- Arnau Illa: He went to Lanzarote with his famil. He wento to Lloret in a tennis stage, and Platja d'Aro too.
- Albert Quintanas: He went to Berni Alvarez and Jordi Trias basketball campus. He spend a weekend in Sant Antoni de Calonge, and the rest of the Summer he stayed in Banyoles with his friends.
- Clàudia Düthmann: She travelled to Poole and Holand. She stayed in Platja d'Aro and Roses, and in Banyoles.
- Francesc Rigau: He went to Copenhage in Denmark and he spend 3 days in Legoland Bilund.
- Albert Roca: He went to Africa, Kenia. He went too to Bornemouth.
- Cristina Ros: She went to Llançà, Girona and Sant Antoni de Calonge.
- Ferran Illa: He went to Lanzarote, and in a stage tennis in Lloret de Mar.
- Ferran Veciana:He went to Gran Canaria to visit teide.
- Adam Porxas: He went to the Gamelab with his friends.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
speaking dialogue: Talking about people
Pau: Oh, hi, Albert. Who's that girl over there?
Jordi: The girl with long hair?
Albert: No, the girl with red tanga.
Pau: She's talking on the phone.
Jordi: Oh, yes. What about her?
Abert: does she go to our university?
Pau: Yes, that's Rebeca. She's in Year 11. Why?
Jordi: She looks nice. She's got a friendly body.
Albert: She's OK, but you aren't her type, Jordi. She likes tall guys!
Pau: Oh, that's a pity. Never mind.

if you listen the speaking you must download the archive:
Thursday, June 9, 2011
global warming. panic or reality?
- Read the text and answer the questions by visiting the links
- The text
- The questions and the answers
- Illustrate the ideas
- THE BIG QUESTION: What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.
- We can recycle
- We can use more public transport
- We can use another energies
- We can use another materials
- Go to work by bike or public transport
Global warming is already under way. The evidence is vast and the urgency of taking action becomes clearer with every new scientific study. Some of the most obvious signs are visible in the Arctic, where rising temperatures and melting ice are dramatically changing the region’s unique landscapes and wildlife—as well as people’s lives and livelihoods. Across the globe, other early warning signs include melting glaciers, shifting ranges of plants and animals, and the earlier onset of spring.
1. What is global warming?
Is an effect that makes the temperatures are going to be warmer.
2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?
The "greenhouse effect" is the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse.
3. What signs warn us about global warmming?
Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are drying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. It's becoming clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives.
4. Can you quote another term for global warming?
I think we can tell the beggining of the end of the Homo Sapiens sapiens.
5. Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?
That video teach the problems of global warming and tell to us wha t can do if we prefer have a better world. I think is the time to start a new style of life and a new style of creating energy.

Friday, June 3, 2011
Robin Hood movie
1. What were the crusades about?
The crusades are about some wars between Cristians and Musulmans
2. How about the same period in Spain and Catalonia?
It was the medieval period.
3. Where's Robin Hood at the beginning of the film?
He is on the crusades and he return to the England
4. Why is Azeem with Robin?
Azeem is the bodyward and his best friend.
5. Where do Robin and Azeem go?
He go to the Sherwood forest
6. Who are the outlaws? Where do they live?
Outlaws are people who work for robin. There are out of the law but they was a good people.
7. What happened to Robin's father?
He was killed by Sheriff of Nottingham
8. Who's Lady Marian?
Is the girlfriend of robin at the end of the movie then became married.
9. Why do Robin and Azeem join the outlaws?
Yes becouse he are a good people.
10. Why do they fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Because the sheriff want to kill some people
Can you explain how the film ends?
The film ends when Lady Marian and robin hood became married and the great king richat arrive to the sherwood forest.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
looking back
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Writing a sponsor
I'm the captain of cycling club in banyoles, Catalonia. the name of the club is "The riders". Im writing to you because we are planning a tournament and we're looking for sponsors. The tournament will take place in many teams and fans from 33 countries are going to be in cork for this event, and i think that i'll be a good publicity for your company.
Please contact me if you are interested in sponsoring us or if you need any more information. i look foward to having from you.
Your's faithfull.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
speaking dialogue: Help when there's a problem
Justin: -No, one girl punch my eggs. baby!
Teacher: - How did it happened?
Justin: -It wasn't an accident. I was singing when the girl comes and punch my eggs.
Teacher: -OK right. Can i look it?
Justin: - Yes you can, but don't touch because it hurt.
Teacher: -Do you need help?
Justin: -No i think it'll be OK
Teacher: -Mmm. Maybe you need to see a nurse?
Justin: - I want to come her.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
3D Cinema
a century ago the cinema became popular. Now the cinema is changing a lot. Some companies invent 3D. Is for going cinema more exciting. The 3D tecnologies was created at 1950 but don't became popular bacause cause eye strees and was expensive. now fifty years ago a lot of films are 3D. The 3D start to became popular at 2009 with the film Avatar. After that a lots of people goes to cinema to watch 3D.
I think 3D it's not very well. The future it's an hologramas to watch films. Now some thinks are in 3D like the new Ds for nintendo was 3D.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Speaking: Talk about plans and arrangements
Adam:Yes Oh, hi, Mary!!!
Jordi:Are you doing everythink in this night? handsome.
Adam:No, nothing special. Why?
Jordi:I'm going to make model in night club.
Adam: Yes great what time does it start?i want to look you...
Jordi: At twelve o'clock. Charm.
Adam: Ok. Shall i meet you outside about one o'clock? beautiful girl.
Jordi: Yeah OK. I'll see you there.
Adam: See you later, Adam.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Avaluation of 2nd term
The questions in this term:
I think the best blog in my class is the blog of Adam Porxas
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
spaeking dialogue unit 6
Adam:-Yes if you like.
Jordi:-Right the question is do you think Catalonia is not spain?
Adam: - Let me think... Yeah guy i think Catalonia is a nation.
Jordi: -i am agree with you. I think Cataloni will be independence.
Adam: -Ok now we say:
Jordi i Adam: -Visca Catalunya lliure!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Hi my name is Jordi and today mi going to talk about Julian Assange. First mi going to talk about his life then mi going to talk about his work and finally mi going to talk becouse it's famous.
First mi going to talk about the live of julian Assange Assange was born in 1971 internet don't know his birthday day. when he was young Julian assange was a hacker he became fined because he steal some documents for one big company. Later he go to the university and he study It and Maths. At the moment Julian Asssange travel arround the world becouse it's the director of the web site wikileaks. Last month julian Assenge wrote his autobiography becouse he was in the jail.
He's work is very dangerous becouse he publish confidencial information, because he thinks with world will be better. But a lot of corrupt states like United Sates don't like this. Because he thinks the truth is paintfull and dangerous. But a lot of progresist states are happy with the project of wikileaks.
Julian Assange become famous becouse he is the main shareholder of the web site wikileaks and this web page is one of the controversial web pages in the world.
I think his work is very important for change the world because this world can be better.
the presentations of my co
- First Cristina Comalat talk about Justin Bieber.
It was good but i don't like Justin bieber - Second Claudia Duthman talk about Katy perry.
She do good but large and little boring. - Third Arnau illa talk about Niel Armstrong.
He do good but he read a lot, it was very large and boring. - Fourth Ferran Illa do his presenatation about Rafael Nadal.
He do good but he was nervious. - fifth Clara Llevari talk about Michale jackson.
She do good but she was nervious, and she do short. - Sixth Julia Masó talk about Xavi Hernandez.
She do good but she was nervious. - Seventh Andreu Mayolas talk about Diego de velazquez.
He do good and short. - Eight Adam Porxas talk about Andés Iniesta.
I think he do very very good becouse he don't have power point. - Ninth Gemma talk about Bojan
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Writing: Bob marley
Bob Marley starts to compose and sing music when he was 18 years old. nine years later he did his first album and he became famous. One year later he did his second album. Finally eight years later he did his last work, the album "Uprising". One year later he die at the age of 36.
The best words of Bob Marley are "could you be loved" and "No woman no cry". He became the best singer of Regge music in the history.

Finally one of his bests sings"could yor be loved"
Magazine: Jaden and Willow smith
Willow and Jaden's parents are actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. They have been criticized for pushing their children in the world of stars. But Willow andJaden seem confortable with fame. They are talented and ambitious: Willow says she wants to wurk with pop star Lady Gaga! Jaden and Willow are proving that the kids of stars can have success on their own.
I think Jaden and Willow are going to became like Michael Jackson becouse in his age do this is very dangerous.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Magazine: The tourist
I think this film will be good becouse it had a lot's of good actors like Jonny Depp and Angelina Jolie.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Magazine :the famous Smith family
The famous smith Family
You know the famous actor Will Smith and wis wife Jada Pinkett-Smith.
You also know their son, jaden, who was in Karate kid. Now meet their daughter, Willow smith, aged ten. She was realessed her first single, "Whip my hair". Willow's nick name is "Baby rihanna" because" becouse her music and style influenced by rihana.
I think this girl it's so young for do singles and she will had problems like Michael Jackson. And i think his music it's good but she don't do nothing she only sing.
speaking: express interest
Adam: Yes do you like it?
Jordi: Yeah. Where wrere you when you saw that?
Adam: i was on holiday in catalonia. These people were doing bombs for independence war.
Jordi: Really? why were they doing that?
Adam: Becouse Catalonia is not Spain.
Jordi: Did you fought?
Adam: You're kidding! I can't fought.
Jordi: Yeah it's a great photo. well done!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Writing: A brave rescue
I was with my family and we were in a Taxi. We were visiting the New York City and we saw a house burning. There was some children crying in the window. The fire was next to them.A firefighter was also watching, as soon he saw the problem he went in to the hause to rescue the children.
The firefighter ran in to the house and he took the children and rescue them.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The adventures of tom sawyer
. What do you know about Mark Twain?
Mark twain is a writer. his real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He wwas born in florida, Misssouri,in 1835. when he was young he was working in a steamboat. After many years he go to live in Nevada, California. At 1865 he wrote his first history:"the celebrated jumping Frog of calavers Country". After that he get married with his wife "livy" and he had three dauthers. Finally he die in 1910.
2. Write a summary of each chapter. Add images/videos...
3. Write a description of the main characters.
Tom Sawyer:Tom sawyer is a kid who lives in a little town next to the missisipi river.
Huck Finn: Is a boy who live in the streets. They had a lot's of friends but the mothers don't like him.
4. SPEAKING:Podcasting
Option A : Reading the summaries.
Chapter 7: Mcdougals cave
In chapter seven Tom Sawyer and his friend went to Becky Thatcher's party.
At the end of the party all the children went to the cave. Tom Swayer and Becky Thatcher were lost in the cave. At the moment Huck was looking for Injun Joe, his friend and his treasure and he knew they were going to hurt and old woman.
He went find some help and finally he saved Welsh.
The podcast:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
writing: A memorable day
First my family go to home of my grandparents and my uncle. At 10 o'clock all people went to shit the wood “tio” and it gives me a lots of presents. After all family went to have dinner and I meet with my cousins. At 11 o'clock we look a film called “Solo en casa” and I laugh a lot because it's a comic film. Finally about four o'clock I go to sleep with my cousin.
There were twelve people (all family) at the Christmas day. I remember all presents because all are computer games or novels. It was a great and fun day.
Monday, November 15, 2010
speaking dialogue unit 3
The speaking
Adam- Hey Jordi how was your weekend?
Jordi- Not bad thanks
Adam- How did you do?
Jordi- Oh, i just went to cinema to look jackass 3D. It was great. What about you?
Adam- I want to watch football match in nou camp. It was amazing. when did you last go to watch football match?
Jordi- I don't know maybe two years ago.
Adam- How was it?
Jordi- It was exiting. Let's watch a football match next month.
Adam- OK great. See you then.
Jordi- Bye, Adam. See you later.
Monday, November 8, 2010
speaking dialogue unit 2
Jordi - Yes, in a minute. I'm busy at the moment.
Adam - Come on, Jordi. What are you doing?
Jordi - I'm playing computer games. It's really great.
Adam - Jordi! You need to make your bed now!
Jordi - Please, Adam! Is it OK if I do it later?
Adam - I suppose so, but don't forget to do it!
Jordi - OK! OK!
Writing: My ideal Home
Here are my ideal home. It's a modern house in a little town. It's quite and big. It got everythink. It's got three bedrooms two bathrooms one kitchen one living room and one dining room. The living room has got nice balcony and you can see the mountains from it.
On an ideal morning in my ideal home we're all here. All people are in the garden playing and i am playing computer games in my bedroom. I've got a new computer and i am playing with it.
My favourite room is my bedroom. Because inside it there are a computer and i can play with it.
Writing: Internet Profile
Hi, im JoJordi im from Banyoles and from Catalonia. Im independent, applied and not much sentimental. i have got brown eyes and short hair.
Likes and Dislikes
I love music specially the music from Flo Rida, Seqan Kingston, Taio Cruz and Shakira. I love the anime from Japan. What do you like?
My time and money
I don't spend any money. But i spend a lot of time to learn about computers and palying computer games.
I really want to meet boys and girls from 12 to 14 years old. No people over 14 plis. I don't mind your natinality. But i want to practicase my English and im interested to learn about New York.