Thursday, February 3, 2011


First im going to put the screenplay:
Hi my name is Jordi and today mi going to talk about Julian Assange. First mi going to talk about his life then mi going to talk about his work and finally mi going to talk becouse it's famous.

First mi going to talk about the live of julian Assange Assange was born in 1971 internet don't know his birthday day. when he was young Julian assange was a hacker he became fined because he steal some documents for one big company. Later he go to the university and he study It and Maths. At the moment Julian Asssange travel arround the world becouse it's the director of the web site wikileaks. Last month julian Assenge wrote his autobiography becouse he was in the jail.

He's work is very dangerous becouse he publish confidencial information, because he thinks with world will be better. But a lot of corrupt states like United Sates don't like this. Because he thinks the truth is paintfull and dangerous. But a lot of progresist states are happy with the project of wikileaks.

Julian Assange become famous becouse he is the main shareholder of the web site wikileaks and this web page is one of the controversial web pages in the world.

I think his work is very important for change the world because this world can be better.

the presentations of my co

  1. First Cristina Comalat talk about Justin Bieber.
    It was good but i don't like Justin bieber

  2. Second Claudia Duthman talk about Katy perry.
    She do good but large and little boring.

  3. Third Arnau illa talk about Niel Armstrong.
    He do good but he read a lot, it was very large and boring.

  4. Fourth Ferran Illa do his presenatation about Rafael Nadal.
    He do good but he was nervious.

  5. fifth Clara Llevari talk about Michale jackson.
    She do good but she was nervious, and she do short.

  6. Sixth Julia Masó talk about Xavi Hernandez.
    She do good but she was nervious.

  7. Seventh Andreu Mayolas talk about Diego de velazquez.
    He do good and short.

  8. Eight Adam Porxas talk about Andés Iniesta.
    I think he do very very good becouse he don't have power point.

  9. Ninth Gemma talk about Bojan

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